I was invited to a bday party for my friend's mom who was struggling with cancer so it was important that I arrive on time. In my haste, I failed to account for the wind which was blowing against my direction (Wind resistance kills mpgs). This became evident when my motorcycle sputtered and ran out of fuel a few miles before my usual refill/rest stop. I pulled over to the side of the highway not sure of how I was going to get out of this situation. I have been in similar spots before, but less than enough to feel comfortable. As I walked in my wind suit with my helmet in hand I gave a thumbs up with my other to indicate I was hitch-hiking. I prayed to God for His grace and within 50 feet of walking a Good Samaritan stopped to give me a ride. He and his co-pilot worked for Oreilley's Autoparts and were traveling between stores. He drove me to the gas station where I used an empty water bottle to fill gas. They graciously dropped me back off at my bike. The whole ordeal set me back 20-30 minutes before I was back on the road to Dallas from Austin.
I could not help but feel grateful that this year has just begun and already I am witness to such acts of mercy, graciousness, and kindness that can only be described as feeling God's love. Truly there are angels in the form of human beings that serve as the fingers of God dealing the hand of fate.
I reached Dallas just in time to take a warm bath, dress, and head out for the party with my family.
“Two Brothers"
Once upon a time there were two brothers. Castor and Pollux.
It had been a few years since Castor had spoken to Pollux. They see each other from time to time, but few words had been exchanged in their encounters.
When they were children, their parents did their best to raise them with faith. They took them to the Temple to worship together until they were old enough to practice on their own. Sometimes when they were kids Castor would joke that there is no God. He was convinced that it was a ruse, a waste of time, and something that would not serve him so he decided to skip going to the Temple and indulge with his friends that shared similar beliefs. These same friends would later become the people with whom he would experiment with drugs and alcohol. Pollux kept close to the beliefs his parents tried to instill mostly out of habit, but still he remained optimistic that one day things would make sense.
Many years later their trajectories would place Castor and Pollux far apart both spiritually as well as geographically. Pollux remained close to his family while Castor sought out freedom and independence. Setbacks would come into Pollux's life in the form of personal heartbreak and professional struggles; however, instinct led him to prayer. It was the only thing that he could think to do when he tasted bitter desperation, a taste so terrible he did not wish it upon his worst enemy. Very slowly (almost imperceptible to human eyes), Pollux's situation began to shape up into freedom from the depths of sadness and despair. This part cannot be explained but rather each reader must experience and judge for themselves, this is simply a personal testament.
Castor on the other hand took a very different path. His journey brought him to financial struggles, health concerns, and mental instability. He blamed his problems on others, and failed to take responsibility for the demons he surrounded himself with. Ultimately family came to his rescue to lift him up from his filthy situation, dust him off, and set him back on his feet. Still, the spirit of ingratitude, arrogance, and self-centeredness remained as they manifested once again in the forms of drugs and alcohol abuse in the company of similar friends. Castor returned to his former ways until once again family came to his rescue. The cycle would repeat itself until the cancer of sin could once and for all be defeated...
Castor grew more grotesque with each sin until his countenance resembled that of a swine. Pollux walked with the Lord and the corruption of sin stayed away as he remained healthy in mind, body, and spirit...
The Lesson:
As I grow older I realize that health and well-being come in three forms: Mind, Body, and Spirit, with the spirit being the most important of the trinity. A confused mind can be straightened out, but it will once again grow to become confused without the spirit of truth. An unhealthy body can be exercised and fed healthy food until it is in shape but can quickly become bloated and sick without the spirit of self-control and temperance. A spirit of humility and gratitude towards the Creator will always yield fruit (from the Tree of Life) that nurtures the Mind and Body which leads to freedom from the sickness of sorrow and despair. It is the cure for the cancer of demonic possession that delights in our corruption and death.
Little Brother, it is good that you seek understanding for your faith rather than blindly follow like sheep. This makes you a Shepherd, but blessed are those that follow their faith blindly trusting in the Lord since most people are sheep that are worth loving too. One day you will be faced with challenges that force you to dig down deep inside and come up with an answer. You might not have one and that is okay. My advice is to keep the ember of faith glowing and see what may come. Seek and you will find. The Good Lord works in mysterious ways.