I know that this saying has been around for centuries, but I heard it said by the late great Patrice Oneal. The former comedian spoke about race, religion, sex and politics. His fellow comedians respected him to the point of fear. He was an imposing character standing at 6'5" and over 350lbs. It was however his sharp wit and mind that amazed people. He spoke the "Truth" in ways that made people laugh and think. His comedy was razor sharp, honest, and hilarious. He said, "Be the Truth... nothing can fu@k with the Truth!"
People hide the truth when they feel scared, get "caught" or when they think it will hurt someone's feelings. To mask the truth effectively takes practice (So does being honest).
If you want to conquer fear, then live the truth.
The truth is not concerned with appearances, it simply IS! It's beautiful because it doesn't have any choice. It can't hide itself because it's presence is an unmistakeable fact. It is beyond words and more than actions. It doesn't judge, it doesn't require a defense. It is the First and Last Word... the Alpha and the Omega.