In the midst of a summer heat wave, we arrived early in the morning to avoid the mid-day sun. The water felt great! I fell a bunch of times, but it was still amazing to be having so much fun in the water! There were "sea weed" obstacles and random turtles to dodge as I got the hang of surfing. I got to imagine myself as "The Silver Surfer", one of my comic book heroes, as I coasted along the lake. Tyson and Christina looked on from the pier as the instructor and I zipped back and forth. It was a dream come true!
Afterwards, we went home to bathe Tyson (he jumped in the water), and enjoy my favorite homemade blueberry pancakes. Then after a long nap, we concluded the day with the evening mass service. It was Trinity Sunday, a celebration of the mystery of The Holy Spirit, The Son in Jesus, and The Father God ALL as One.
This in not the same as worshiping three gods, but rather the three unique forms that one God communicates with us. The Holy Spirit is spiritual in nature and possesses our hearts and minds to manifest God's will. Jesus, God's son is the human manifestation of God who came to dwell with us on earth to empathize with, and suffer human agonies so that we could share a friendship with God who understands us. And lastly, God the Father is the most high Creator of All things visible and invisible, the reason we were given life.
Just when I thought I had opened all my gifts, the Lord provided one last "coincidental" blessing... We sang my favorite hymn, "How Great thou Art".