When life on this planet first dawned, it was theorized to have taken place in the blood of the oceans. Life began as single celled organisms that evolved from the primordial ooze; organelles and bacteria working together as a cell to benefit themselves in the ancient harsh environment. The need to 'eat' gave rise to specialized appendages that propelled the cell towards 'food'. The cells that failed to evolve such appendages, died off. The evolved cells worked together in communion to survive. The ability of one allowed for the function of the other, much like one's stomach is useless without a mouth. These simple life forms gave way to fish, dinosaurs, birds, and Mankind.
It seems that evolution is constantly producing new and improved creatures better suited to adapt to the constantly changing environment. Mankind's Ego (as opposed to Dinosaur Ego) seems to believe that our "reign" of the planet is infinite and will go on without end in sight. We (humans) are still a relatively new kid on the evolutionary block, and while we do possess intellect and capabilities never before seen on this planet, many tend to behave like spoiled children acting without regard to the well being of others that we share our world with. We are jealous, possessive, often unsympathetic, and self-concerned. We neglect our needs and put our desires first, as if it were more important than anyone else (like eating dessert before our companions have a chance to eat basic food). We want what we want, right now! Without passing judgment, it's important to understand and acknowledge that this state of mind is inherent to humankind (children can choose to mature) before collectively working together to encourage evolution oriented towards a common goal.
No one single person, race, or religion is stronger than the body of mankind. Like specialized cells working independently across the planetary body, we can benefit together if we choose to see a common goal of freedom: the liberation from hatred, despair, hunger, poverty, addiction, slavery, and spiritual death. We can choose to be dependent on 'fossil fuels', the inheritance of our ancestors, drugs, or anything that caters to our self-interested egos of wanting instant gratification... or we could evolve.
One perspective is seeing people as individual cells in a collective body. There are groups of cells that could be likened to tissues or organs with abilities to contribute to the collective body's needs. Each cell retains it's own unique value, and ability to contribute anyway it sees fit (like a child aspiring to become a doctor). Cells can work together forming specific tissues and organs that serve specialized functions such as healing, innovations, and leadership in the global body to assist in survival and overall well being (no organ is above another). Just as there are cells with the ability to heal, there are also cells that can be corrupted and led into sickness and poor health through the germs and cancers of addiction, hatred, and egoism.
It is our choice to see the world through which ever lens that we choose, but our interconnectedness is apparent through the suffering or joy we experience through the lives of our loved ones. In actuality, we exist in a symbiotic relationship to all life (as they say in India, Namaste: a Sanskrit derived salutation that loosely conveys, "the Divinity in Me recognizes the Divinity in You").
Throughout the recorded history of mankind, there have been "game changers" that through their direct influence altered the course of humanity. Ancient Prophets, Priests, Kings, Conquerors, and Leaders of Men have been able to inspire people to rally against the tide. To reject a broken system and see an alternative vision for mankind to work towards. These visions must be practical enough to foster the belief that with enough support it's fruition is possible.
If one were a single cell in a collective body, to which tissue or organ would you belong? Would you use your abilities to influence and encourage your compatriots to have hope, to keep trying, and to keep evolving forward?