As plant and animal life evolved and adapted to the shifting environment, it became necessary to follow the various sources of food in order to survive. The organisms best suited to adaptation were able to adjust to the dynamics of their world and thus multiplied with abundance.
With an abundance of life, comes reproductive "choice". The organisms that best displayed the ability to parent healthy offspring were selected to reproduce. Their genes would continue on to the next generation.
The constant environmental shifts gave rise to genetic mutations that provided early life with either reproductive survival advantages or was bred out of existence. The dark pigmentation of skin and hair provides protection from the Sun, which explains why "Original Man" was most likely "Black" or more accurately dark brown. As our ancient ancestors followed their sources of food across the land they encountered different climates and terrain. Here, mutations such as lighter skin pigmentation and protective eye lid adaptations allowed for more successful survival in colder mountain climates. The lighter skin pigmentation made one more difficult to discern from the environment while hunting or evading danger. The colder mountain environment was harsh on exposed mucous membranes such as the eyes, lips, and nose which one also relied on to both hunt and evade danger.
Science teaches that early ancestors migrated from Africa through Asia, on to Europe and eventually the Americas. This supports our ancestors departure from the original genetic packaging they began with until now. They were faced with the choice to hold on to their genes or adapt and evolve to better fit the environment.
The world is no longer separated by impossible distance. We can travel to opposite ends of the world within a day. This was not possible a century ago.
With the evolution of technology and society, humans are no longer dependent on hunting for survival. Instead, we've reached a civilization that is capable of solving our differences through diplomacy. We can grow our food in abundance. We have the ability to live side by side with other "races" and cultures without fearing tribal attack for resources. We live in one of the best possible times on this planet.
In spite of this amazing time we live in, we are still confronted with the occasional clash of culture and irrational need to draw distinctions in class, religion, and race. We have young people being killed because they are perceived as a threat to one social group or another. Social injustice continues to haunt and stain the collective soul of the Human Race. We are failing to evolve and adapt to a world much smaller than our ancestors had to navigate.
“We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
The first born child of Mankind is African. His twin younger brothers, Asian and Indian. Next, we welcomed our light brown brothers (Natives of the Americas), and most recently... Our youngest brother, the "white man". All of us share equal inheritance to our Creator's world, no brother is placed in higher regard than another. We can choose to squabble and bicker over who is rightful owner 'of what or to whom we should serve', but the fact remains that we are ALL children of the same Creator.
Let's be grateful that we have diversity and a rich inheritance of cultures to enjoy. A single race, or practice of worship, or food to eat, or song to dance might get tedious. Let's look at things from different angles, let's appreciate the times, let's Evolve.