It is amazing to watch my nephew grow into a young man. He's always been a bit of a comedian, but this was his first play and he killed it. Other parents couldn't believe that it was his first time. He impressed the director with his audition when they asked him to sing and perform a song. He had recently done a talent show where he performed at his school and decided to go with what he knew worked, as it obviously did. After the show when asked by guests how he was able to imitate Scar's accent so well, he claimed it was just natural which makes sense as he's grown up around people with accents for literally his whole life. One of my favorite games to play with them is to imitate grandma and grandpa's accent. It was neat to watch him bask in the afterglow of the successful show with his cast-mates gathered around congratulating each other like little adults. He was surrounded by girls vying for his attention, which gave me a little kick.
Afterwards, when the post show excitement had died down, we came home to delicious Chinese take-out, a family favorite. I ate with my herbivore niece as she nibbled at her ball of white rice. Meanwhile my nephew sang in the shower and made sure to sing extra loud as he walked by his sister's bedroom to let her know that for once he was the star tonight. All in all it was a fantastic evening which I also got to spend time with my brother and sister in-law. The next morning around 7am, I let the dogs out to play, hugged my brother, and jumped on my motorcycle to beat the heat back to Austin. What an adventure!