Before this technology was developed, clock makers relied on mechanical systems that used precise gears, cogs, sprockets, and springs to tell time. At one point, these time devices were expensive status symbols that could only be afforded by the wealthy. These individuals took stock in advertising the value of time over money.
Many methods of time keeping have been used through out history, such as the measurement of sand passing through an 'hour' glass, or the rate of a burning candle stick. Ancient civilizations used the Sun to measure shadows through out the day. Water clocks operated like sand through the hour glass. With technology, more accurate methods of time keeping developed.
Today, we use Atomic clocks that rely on the frequencies of atoms to calibrate the clocks on our electronic devices such as cell phones and computers.
Technology allows us to understand and solve problems our ancestors simply did not have access to in their day. The micro-, macro-, and telescopes we are able to use now help us to see things that were previously undetectable. We can map the human genome, study molecular compositions, and better understand our Universe.
It seems that with 'time', we are able to more accurately understand and keep track of the frequencies that are being (and have been) broadcast through out the Universe. The orbit of the planets in our solar system revolve around our Sun with the cosmic frequency of a clock, much like the electrons around an atom's core. There are gravitational forces constantly acting upon and influencing atoms and molecules from billions of miles apart. Each gear in the cosmic rotation of the planets acts upon the molecules receptive to the celestial pull of gravity. At the frequency of 24 hours, the moon pulls the ocean tides, and the Earth revolves around the Sun.
Humans have the ability to broadcast or receive transmissions much like an antenna when we hear or feel energy such as the vibrations of music in our ears. Each person is 'attuned' to frequencies that they find pleasant or disturbing. The beat of a drum has been employed by both musicians and slave drivers to inspire the dance of listeners or control the march of subjects. Frequencies have the ability to manifest in the energy signals people broadcast to one another (happiness, depression, masculine, feminine, nervous, calm, weak or strong). Animals display the ability to detect the emotional energy we emit and behave according to their instincts. Humans are also able to tune into the emotional broadcast of others. We can choose the company we keep with regard to energy frequency. (Couples tend to be on the same political channel).
The limitations in language prevent people from effectively communicating to one another. Patterns of occurrence must then be used to repeat a message until it can be understood or at the very least acknowledged. While there are clearly limitations in human communication there is also interference to incoming signals. Once an individual closes their minds to a frequency, it becomes difficult to hear in the future. Most people are not equipped to handle the broadcast being sent from another person, let alone from the Universe.
If we are to truly understand the concept of time, we will need to re-calibrate our frequencies to the Cosmic Clock.